Monday, November 8, 2010

Tongue Tattoos


Nowadays everybody wants to look unique in one way or another. As tattoos are becoming more and more a part of people’s lives there is a trend among young people especially for obtaining the most distinctive patterns. Tattoos are a hot commodity these days, becoming more and more popular than they have ever been. There are hundreds and thousands of different designs and styles of tattoos to choose from, giving you the chance to express yourself. Tongue tattooing has become popular among youngsters who are interested in exploring experiences, perhaps as the best way to express themselves in public and personal lives. It is not easy to get a tongue tattoo, because the tongue is delicate and a sensitive part of body so piercing and decorating it is difficult for tattooist. Tongue decoration can involve items like studs, pins, and pigments, So proper hygiene is essential before tongue tattooing, and one should be aware of the various safety measures. The one who is going to paint or decorate the tongue should be using single use disposable gloves and all the equipments used in the process should be autoclaved well to avoid any chance of infection.

Tongues take one to three weeks to heal thoroughly after the tattooing process For the first few days it feels somewhat sensitive but later on a crust of skin develops which gradually flakes off. In this period the colours used in the tattoos may appear pale or odd but there is nothing to worry about as they are normal. Tattoos on tongue take a long time to heal as the tongue is slightly tender.

Therefore if proper hygiene is not maintained then the possibility of infection is there. To prevent tongue infection, the tattoo should be kept clean. Those who have had tongue tattoos in the past say that they aren’t very painful. Unlike tattoos on the skin, the tongue is a giant muscle. A tattoo on the tongue is often described as a tickling sensation or the feeling of numbness in your mouth. When the tattoo artist does the tattoo, he will normally use a tool to hold the tongue out. If you’ve ever had a tongue piercing, you’ll know what it looks like. Once the tongue is out, the artist will begin work. The process normally does take very long, as long you hold still and don’t move around.

In the starting few days when the crust of skin is grown there is a slight pain but after flaking off the skin the new tattoo will appear to be shinier giving a waxy appearance. After this the look of the tongue comes to its normal look and texture, apart from the new decoration, which hopefully not only makes you stand out of crowd, but also adds a stylish and trendy element to yoursocial persona.


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