Tuesday, November 16, 2010


The worst thing about someone making a comment or asking a question is simply when they don't know what the fuck they're talking about, especially when it comes to Body Modification (especially when this person has had modifications performed on their bodies). To see someone with Body Modifications on them and hear them criticize others making an argument based on genter makes me sick. One can understand if a Tattoo, or piercing, etc is not well done, the best thing one can do is provide advice and a way to fix that problem instead of making the person feel bad or offended. Not too long ago while being at a gathering a tattooed female asked me why I had my earlobes stretched, I looked at her trying to comprehend what her point was and then she specified that only males stretch their ear lobes and women shouldn't. Knowing my temper, I decided to stay calmed and didn't even gave an answer to her statement since I am aware that such stupidity shouldn't be dignified with it. I understand not everyone has a full knowledge of what Body Modification is and also realized this person don't have a clue of the History of it in general. The fucked up part is that I allowed her to get away with it simply cause I tried avoiding her a major embarrasment along with an accurate reading simply to put her in place while making her look stupid in front of all those who were present. Perhaps this person don't even know this Blog exist but something tells me soon will find out about it (I can't wait) and the only choices this person will have are: to swallow her words, do some research and feel stupid once and educational update is achieved. Sometimes I rather stay quiet cause I do my best not to make anyone feel like shit and sometimes when I try to educate people they take it the wrong way. Sometimes I tend to put things in a simple way but when I use elaborated words and people don't know what those words actually mean they decide to come up with their own conclusions and spread the wrong message. When it comes to Tattoos I know some can be kind of rough looking and some can be delicate and feminine but that's a whole different story. Tattoos can be done in many ways and no matter how they look does not define a Sexual Preference or Gender and it could mean support to a Community. The last thing I want to hear is someone asking a male (for example) if he is Gay because he had a pink ribbon tattoed on instead of trying to ask what it means to him.


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