Monday, June 14, 2010
Choosing a good artist is not difficult at all, you just have to have a little patience. Do a little research and try finding places with a good reputation and not just any place you come across. People might like an artist and tell you how good they think those places are but that doesn't mean you have to like that particular place.
It is a good idea to do your own research online and come up with your own conclusions about a tattoo shop or a particular artist. The next thing would be to visit the shop and experience what it feels like since you can get a vibe and decide if you like that place or not, you're always free to move to the next one. Sometimes they way a tattoo studio feels when it comes to the vibe, environment, decoration and customer service skills of their employees is very important since you're going to spend your hard earned cash.
If you have questions don't be afraid to ask, you can always receive good advice and you can also give or receive suggestions and ideas. The best thing to do when you're getting tattooed (Inked) is to make sure that particular design is what you want in order to avoid plan B which can be a cover-up tattoo.
Sometimes people are afraid of getting someones name tattooed because they wonder "what if we break up?" and that's when plan B comes in mind. There is nothing wrong with having the named of a loved one encrusted in the skin, some people simply do it and others do it but are more strategic about location or design.