Saturday, February 20, 2010
When people think of fashion, their mind usually jumps to places like New York, Los Angeles, Milan, Paris, and Tokyo. These are the places where wacky ideas and unorthodox clothing are combined and placed upon models who usually don't reflect the image of mass society.
When people try to combine fashion and Wisconsin, the consensus usually involves work boots, flannel, overalls, and Wrangler Jeans. To be blunt, it's not at the forefront of the fashion world. And we don't try to be; Wisconsinites are assumed to have well known for their taste in the more practical and sensible. I know I'm a Midwesterner when it comes to fashion. My wardrobe consists of three pairs of jeans (two nicer ones, one with holes and such), a bunch of athletic shorts, some khaki pants, and a whole bunch of football and basketball t-shirts from high school and college. Clearly, fashion is not my thing.
But it turns out that fashion is important to some of Wisconsin's highest-profile citizens: our sports stars.sports fashion
sports fashion
sports fashion
sports fashion
sports fashion